Sustainability & engineering
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- Our commitment

The TTP Group and its operating brand Triplan are aware of their responsibility towards the environment and are committed to responsible and sustainable growth. The internal social responsibility policy defines non-negotiable points for all members of the group. It codifies the values and makes clear what is expected of all Triplan employees. To this end, a cross-group team develops guidelines to ensure that Triplan contributes through its work to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As an active member of the UN Global Compact, Triplan, as part of the TTP Group, is committed to conducting its business and reporting in accordance with internationally recognized sustainability standards. The company integrates fundamental principles such as human rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption into its strategy, culture and day-to-day operations.
Our commitment
- Energy consumption & GHGs
- Water
- Biodiversity
- Local & accidental pollution
- Materials, chemicals & waste
- Energy consumption & GHGs
- Water
- Biodiversity
- Local & accidental pollution
- Materials, chemicals & waste
Labor & human rights
Human resources
- Employee health & safety
- Working conditions
- Social dialogue
- Career management & training
Human rights
- Child labor, forced labor & human trafficking
- Diversity, discrimination & harassment
- External stakeholder human rights
- Anticompetitive practices
- Corruption
- Responsible information management
Sustainable procurement
- Supplier enviromental practices
- Supplier social practices