Expert services in the area of installations with water-polluting substances

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Karlsruhe, July 01, 2018. Expert services in the field of “plants with water-polluting substances” in the portfolio

Since July 2018, TRIPLAN Technology, a wholly owned subsidiary of TRIPLAN AG, has also been offering expert services in the field of “systems with water-polluting substances”.

In addition to advice on the handling of substances hazardous to water, this also includes expert opinions on the suitability of new buildings/conversions and the acceptance of systems based on the AwSV (Ordinance on Systems for Handling Substances Hazardous to Water).

Mr. Frank Rabold, an appointed expert in this field, is available as a contact person to expand our portfolio.


TRIPLAN Technology GmbH
Contact person: Frank Rabold

Essostr. 16
76187 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 83085-0

Sachverständigenleistungen im Bereich Anlagen mit wassergefährdenden Stoffen